
The Grenoble Artificial Intelligence for Physical Sciences (GAP 2024) workshop will explore the intersections between machine learning research and the study of physical systems described by systems of differential equations. We expect to gather researchers from machine learning, computational physics and diverse application fields, in order to foster collaborations and strengthen connections within the scientific community, and in particular across the alpine region. Application fields will include climate science, geophysics, solid state physics, and neuroscience.


Attendance and registration

Registration for the workshop (including Julia Tutorial) is mandatory but free.

You must register here before 15-May 2024. If you intend to participate at the workshop remotely, you must register here AND send an e-mail to so we can provide you the link to follow the workshop.


  • We have a limit of 80 spots available in presence to the event.
  • In case you need to cancel your registration, send an email to

Keynote speakers

We will have the pleasure of having keynote talks of the following confirmed speakers:

  • David Greenberg -- Helmoltz Zentrum Hereon (Model-driven machine learning)
  • Gilles Louppe -- Université of Liège (Simulation-based inference) 
  • Julia Gusak -- Inria (Neural ODEs, neural operators, and their efficiency)
  • Marc Bocquet -- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (Data assimilation and ML)
  • Nicolas Boullé -- University of Cambridge (Operator learning for PDEs) 
  • Ronan Fablet -- IMT Atlantique (End-to-end neural data assimilation)

All presentations will provide a comprehensive overview of the field, equipping participants with the knowledge they need to delve into the specific applications and potential of machine learning in their respective domains.


Poster session

The event will host an engaging poster session that all attendees are invited to join  with their own  poster. The goal is to make the poster session an key moment to share with other attendees your work related to GAP2024 topics and engage into vibrant discussions. Please submit a short abstract or the poster. The topic needs to be related to GAP2024 and can be work-in-progress, work already presented or published at a previous venue (for which you can reuse an already printed poster). A light selection will be done so to ensure that all posters are consistent with the topics of the workshop.
Poster submission is part of the registration process (here).


The program is currently being polished and will soon be available here.

However, what can be said already is that:

  • The talks on Wednesday 29-May will start at 13h30 and finish at 17h. They will be followed by a wine & cheese gathering during which the contributed posters will be displayed.
  • The talks on Thursday 30-May will be from 9h-12h30 and 14h-17h. The workshop will propose a standing buffet for the lunch break, during which the contributed posters will be displayed.



Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation (MaCi) @ Université Grenoble Alpes

339 avenue Centrale
Domaine Universitaire
38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères



With the administrative support of Annie Simon (Inria) and Elissa Mury (LJK).



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